Sylestia Wiki

Kelpari are a rare and powerful species of Sylesti that share a distant ancestor with the Qitari. Their name derives from their typical behavior of camouflaging themselves amongst kelp and seaweed. When compared to a Qitari, a Kelpari has very noticeable differences, such as the loss of their hind legs, multiple sets of fins, and a pair of wings that they use to glide through the air. However, the most striking physical difference is that instead of a mane full of hair, the Kelpari has a flowing mane of pure water. While the physics behind its watery mane remain a mystery, it is certainly a sight that all Sylestians should see.

Due to their unique anatomy, the Kelpari live almost exclusively in areas with shallow, fresh water, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. However than can rarely be found far inland or out on the open ocean.


Kelparies are very timid creatures and will typically retreat to their source of water if approached. Occasionally, an adventurer will stumble upon an equally curious Kelpari, but this situation is fairly rare. Due to their seclusive nature, not much is known about their breeding habits or societal norms. Although, some simply believe that Kelparies are underwater nomads and do not live in the same area for long.


As with all non-fabled species, female Kelparies require 3 days to recover after producing an egg, and the eggs, as with all eggs, hatch within 2-3 days depending on how


Kelpari Egg

much they are nurtured.

Physical Features[]

Kelparies are most famous for their flowing mane of pure water. While magically enhanced, it is not known how exactly their mane forms or how it stays in place. Perhaps most interestingly, if one were to touch a Kelpari's mane, they would be surprised to realize that not a single drop of water would accumulate on their hand.

In addition to their mane, a Kelpari has very unique physical features. Their body is a combination of both a fish-like scaled tail portion and a hair covered body portion. Covering their entire body are multiple sets of fins. Some of these fins are used to reach very fast speeds while underwater, while other fins are used to help them glide through the air. They also have a pair of front legs and hooves to help them travel on land. It is thought that the Kelpari and Qitari shared a common ancestor many eons ago and that they branched into seperate species when the Qitari took preference of Sylestia's plains while the Kelpari took preference of its waterways.

In addition to their unique bodies, some Kelpari cover themselves in kelp, flowing water, or fog for camouflage. Other Kelpari have been seen with intricate armors decorated in colorful pearls and other precious materials. Lastly, but most often considered their most beautiful mutation, is that some Kelpari surround themselves with flowing water and glowing water lilies. While this mutation doesn't offer a physical advantage, it is thought that it may be used for camouflage or even for mating purposes.

Design Colors are shown in Green, Eye Color in Red, and Color 3 Effects in Blue. Pictures taken from Generator.

Gene Design Slots[]

Mutation Design slots[]

Festival Pets[]

Themed Pets are any species of pet within a certain color range, for a specific festival or event. They can have genes and mutations, but will always be different. Most themed pets show up during festivals, in the Festival Zone. These themed pets are listed alphabetically.

Themed Pets[]
